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Save The Date For The Grandview’s 2023 Wedding Show!

The Grandview’s 2023 Wedding Show is one of the best ways to meet local wedding professionals ready to give you the unique wedding experience you’ve always dreamed of. Presented by The Bonura Hospitality group, The Grandview’s Wedding Show has been the premier show for wedding couples from all across the Hudson Valley. Allow us to showcase our passion for hospitality, unique wedding trends, spectacular views, decadent cuisine, and commitment to offering the most stunning space to celebrate the biggest day of your life.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26TH, 2023 FROM 5:30PM – 8:30PM


Couples with a booked wedding at a Bonura Hospitality Venue are already pre-registered and will receive FREE ENTRY. Venues include: The Grandview and West Hills Country Club.

What you’ll get!

You’ll be treated to hors d’oeuvres, cocktail stations, wedding cake, and dishes from Bonura Hospitality Venues. Meet professionals you can count on to bring your vision to life. Unveil your unique style while you pick from the most creative floral arrangements, jaw-dropping wedding cakes, stunning photography, and discover the latest trends guaranteed to wow your guests.
So mark your calendars, assemble your crew, and join us at The Grandview Wedding show, Wednesday, April 26 from 5:30 to 8:30 pm.


We would like to cordially invite you to join our wedding show! Click Here For Registration Information

Vendors You Will See At The Show!

Business Name Website
Regency Studios www.RegencyStudios.com
Dj Bri Swatek www.djbriswatek.com
The Hudson Valley Event Group https://hveventgroup.com/
Myles Studio www.MylesStudio.com
Peony Design Studio Peonydesignstudio.com
Hudson Valley Ceremonies https://hudsonvalleyceremonies.com/
A Perfect Blend Entertainment apbentertainment.com
Music Masters www.TryMusicMasters.com
Time 2 Party theknot.comtime-2-party
Knot N Board https://knotnboard.com/
Vivid Events https://www.yourvividevent.com/
Christopher’s Studio Www.christophersstudio.net
Jar Worthy Www.jarworthy.com
Hudson Picture Company www.hudsonpictureco.com
Cherry Brandy Designs https://www.cherrybrandydesigns.com/
Chris Carter Photography https://www.chriscarterphotography.com
Empire Sound www.empiresounddj.com
Pioneer Media https://pioneerpd.com/
Live Free Dye Salon https://www.livefreedyesalon.com/
Collection by NP
Jolie Medi Spa https://lejoliespa.com/
Hudson Valley Officiants https://hvofficiants.com/
La V Beauty http://lavbeauty.com/
Foti Flowers At Yuess Gardens https://www.facebook.com/fotiflowersatyuessgardens/
Eid Photography https://www.eidphotography.com/
Music Boutique NYC https://musicboutiquenyc.com/
Cassondre Mae Photography https://www.cassondremaephotography.com/
Eternal Bouquets by JM https://www.eternalbouquetsbyjm.com/
Allan E. Levine Photography https://www.aelphoto.com/
The Hebe Spa https://thehebespa.com/
Renewal by Andersen https://www.renewalbyandersen.com/
Alicia Martire Photography https://www.aliciamartire.com/
Eventive Sol Design https://www.eventivesoldesign.com/
Cucina Woodstock www.cucinawoodstock.com
The Cedar Bus Co. https://cedarbus.com/
Lucille’s Florist www.lucillesfloristfish.com
Miles To Go Event Planning www.milestogoeventplanning.com
Digital Weddings www.digital-weddings.com
Garay-Michaud Team www.garaymichaudteam.com
SAJ Events NY www.sajeventsny.com
Stylez Entertainment www.stylezentertainment.com
Fit Social fitsocialstudio.com
Dripsy IV Bar www.hamptonhealth.org
Pure Physique www.purephysique.com
Woof and Hoof Pet Service www.WoofandHoofPetService.com

We’ve partnered with

Hope to see you there!

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